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Trish Stratus

last update 2007-04-26
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Patricia Anne Stratigias (* déc. 18, 1975 in the mount of Richmond, Ontário, Canada), improve known as stratus of Trish, a Canadian model of the physical form and were professional Wrestlerin with WWE. Stratus of Trish is before sig.ra, happened with championship of the WWE women seven given times forms the end to earn. As the physical model of the form, it was in the health and the memory of the physical form already has swept and has its calendar just, that estêve called Dream TEAM with place Stacy Lynn. Ter during the years, 2001, of that 2003 the 2004 then information of abgel_st.Inhaltsverzeichnis Stacy Keibler Patricia appreciate the physical model of the very famous form, before one represented it to the union of the fight of the world (maintenance of the hour of the fight of the world, said soon: Company of WWE) a contract. Its bar-bus of tourism was Ron Hutchinson. To the start of the relative career, the manager of the test and the Albert fought. This square, & of the T; Moreover, in America they are these typical short circuits for cable and one sig.ra PO ("Tits and the Ass"). During the Uebelwollens it comes in & of the T; To long and the Dudley Boyz it was executed of the ray Dudley de Bubba of the mediator of the angle of landslide of the energy of the cycle of a carried table. He was one some divas, the effect without posterior of piedini was to it gotten protection, before the spurt of Bubba crossed the table. More it was been slow ingualmente in the activity in the cycle. During the following years usable was constituted of Finlay. In accordance with & of the T; Vince McMahon of WWE received wools diabolic with the presidents and of the biological son relative Stephanie McMahon and it it was transformata inside in "Daddys small of Girl." When history was the string with a raw contact, that one that observes, to turn around inside for Trish McMahon in cables of the main pipe in the cycle and it on of Stephanie and is the majestical attack of William. After Trish de Stephanie with one "cleansed" modified the mass;, It earns indicated obviously that it only has ones "Daddys a small Girl" e had the relative son, Stephanie McMahon. They were however only "Daddys little Toy." Whelmed then the Trish with the rest of a liquid, that one that is obvious of the brown of the container smelly. In a contact that new of Trish gives form to the excuses for it gains and recognized that they had given form to each possible degree of the transmission performances, of whom glie f4 it with. It earns had the necessity of how much it has the proper rammaricato and in the first place it read, when to a dog in all the furnaces in the cycle and the Barke that they peel before it cleaned above in the left in Trish when buestenhalter and to the parts posterior. With gymnastic of Wrestlemania XVII finally of meeting the McMahon as the last time earns before the derivative of the eyes be/it and ohrfeigte of the tone the woman. 18 November 2001, if it number of the survivor in one championship of the women of the challenge 6-pack (6 divas had come of meeting to the others), because before obstructed time WWE, but it ivory after the hinge of Stratusfaction. It has continued still then 6 regencies of the tito stops this current of the name. Unaktiviert of the hour heading WWE of Inconditionnel could happen ulteriorly May 6, 2002. Before this old relative one destroyed absolute of the appearance of fords appreciates an agreement of the number of DQ for the heading it them women of meeting to the jazz with the participation of the manager of the jazz and, the sustentation steven Richards. Later that the profit of the name, it was carried from the ray Dudley de Bubba with one landslide of the energy of a table. It the same destroyed to noma in excess of Inconditionnel day because of 24/7-Regelation. 27 January 2003 this was it before the battles of Victoria of the road of WWE Womens Chicago of meeting to the sustentation of the heading it do not belong. After that that the agreement it is in the WWE, of that to attacare the jazz is impelling. Until the same year it was to the diva of WWE von Dekade-gewaehlt (diva of the decade). Geerschienen ulteriorly during year one of the DVD of the product of WWE with stratus of Trish of the name - guaranteed Stratusfaction 100%. (Stratusfaction is one wordplay of the English word for the satisfaction, the satisfaction and the name of the relative artist), stratus of Trish with Stacy Keibler (r.), August of the 2005 of meeting Lita destroyed déc. 6, the 2004 in the first general example of the WWE source heading it Womens of the divas of WWE. It is a perfect example of Wrestlerin of WWE, because both (the importance for the factor of the WWE maintenance) seem good, consequently as of good putting in the extension the qualifications (for the sport of the part of the WWE). Stratus in one instructd in the way of orderly Trish not to substitute the relative start in the current of the contract of October of 2006 with the WWE. My last fight happened 17 September 2006 its place of birth of Toronto with WWE Impardonné, where the meeting women the obstructed Lita are always last marks of the headings they. After the relative career of the fight demands the surface lowest of the family and the activity is dedicated. Ulteriorly with a friend was a study packed of yoga. In the pulse of detonation of the Web Stratigias the 2006 its friend of the long duration had ingualmente married the classified duration Patricia Anne September the 30. With the loaded connection they were many of the WWE combatant. Between them they were: "Ivory" of SMOOTH; Moretti, Daughter-in-law "Molly Holly" Greenwald, "Lita" the friend; Of ones, Mickie James and Torrie Wilson.

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