- Female Celebrities:
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- Madonna
- Mariah Carey
- Monica Bellucci
- Natalie Portman
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- Pamela Anderson
- Paris Hilton
- Salma Hayek
- Sarah Michelle Gellar
- Teri Hatcher
- Trish Stratus
- Tyra Banks
The feminine devente of the interpretatore years ' 90, Mariah Carey is increased to the cathedral of superstar on the resistance of its voice astonishing of the Fuenfoktave; a flexible talent, that one moved easy, those ballades, that they are freezes to you with hip-luppolo-stimulated, have gained it the frequent comparison with avail again Whitney Houston and the ball-branch of Hides of it Dion, but it has formed both the best ones with from relative just the hardware a lot exists. Supported in induced long Islanda, NY, 27 March 1970, in order to continue Carey in the built up center de New York to the age of 17 -- levels a day a diploma later on that it receives the university -- around to one music career; here it has to deal Very like keyboardist a Margulies of the friend, with which the writing song has begun. Relative the great ending has come like vocalist the support to a session of the studies with ball-coppers the singer Brenda rigid K, that it has given to the tape to the demonstration from Carey to the head of recording of Colombia Tommy Mottola to one section. According to the Mottola legend felt to the tape in the relative one limo with the control to the house, than the same evening it has been fixed a lot immediately and from the talent from Carey ' S in the lower surface, of it still with the doubled section, in order to discover it. To the sign in Colombia, Carey the study has come, in order to begin the surplus of the relative job to the beginning of 1990 of the art of Ritratto called automatic rifle record of long game; the strongly preferred album was a écrimage of the outline is crushed, unloading not more small, than one it does not select four: "Vision the love, " Last time of the "Love, " "Someday, " and the "I it does not demand within Grida; The relative one succeeding during the night has gained ricompense of Grammy as the new better artist and the woman better than Vocalist and the hopes were high for the connection of Carey, the sensibility 1991' S. The album has not disappointed, because the track of the not realized name -- fifth following skin the outline of with of the shapes -- while both "Can of left ' the T Go" and "Make it Happen" taken in management five from the program. The following version of separate Carey was PE 1992' S from MTV, that it is of one cover ll of "I not. ' of Jackson 5 There." produced; The summer describes on the track has the singer of backuptrey the Lorenz, of which the function it has contributed immediately to take a contract recorded of the relative one liber from the program. In the month of june of 1993, wed Carey Mottola -- approximately two decades relative the oldest one -- in one grippaggio ceremony noma; Months more subsequently it has freed relative the third effort of integrals, reply of music, relative to the devente of the sistemazione up to now. More it selects two, "Dreamlover" and "Hero, " it has realized the highest point on the outlines. The space of Carey is followed in the first place and in great part from the critics it has been leaked; fearless, still 1994 with a version of the festivities concur Been born them happy white man and have marked an arrest of system of season from "All, that for You." Is been born them demands; 1995' dreammed S new artistic maturity has reflected one; the first specific person, "Fantasy, " debuted with not the one, the reason with Carey the first woman of the artist and the right, than never do not interpret the second, in order to obtain the great action Connection, cake of Day" with the "One; -- one cooperation with the men of Boyz II -- revolution repeated and remained of 16 disposed weeks with the advanced side of the outlines for one sistemazione. After the separation from Mottola, Carey is turned 1997 with a butterfly, succeeding from up to now varies various and it it greater part for the sistemazione, that it is ices hoar of luppolo of the hip # 1' S -- an accumulation, that it contains the relati to you 13 écrimages of the outline of the previous ones, selects like the prince of "The of Egypt (if you believe), " a pair with Whitney Houston, than just the two feminine artists memorizzare to most successful in the history of disturbs -- in delay it has followed the following year installs. With more " of the "Heartbreaker; the first specific person of relative Rainbow 1999 of the album, Carey has gone well to the first artist to complete the outlines in every years of years ' 90; the sistemazione has pressed equally before that the Beatles like the artists with kumulativsten the weeks, that has been arranged the last time on the 100, heated selected the outline. However the 2000s it was not in advance payment like type with Carey. After the 80-million-dollar of sign of a commerce 2001 with the virgin -- who greater record of the contract never -- one has controlled personal and professional general procedure of fusion a lot, than included, in order to go; messages suicidal on the relative Web site; a function on the circuit electrical worker from logic to brace the resistance of the transistor, where, covered Popsicles of supports only in one casing of the t-fitting, it distribueré; and in order to conclude, fluctuation erroneously received of the step of the film and its own recording (equally the relative one virgin memorizza the beginning was). The film and the album, which it is formed commercially erroneously in the critic therefore like, if tonhoehenschwankung even the inferior shape to four million dollars, in relative totalcombined declares in order to connect and the recording, that it fights, in order to form the sales of the gold. According to these withdrawn virgin and the Carey have separated from the methods to to the 2002 beginning, if the heading satisfied the 28 million dollars. This spring, has found one new house with the material from clogging of Island/Def, in which it has installed its own heading, to music of MonarC. In December it has given the relati to you 9. Album, Charmbracelet liberations, than have not been transformato in in happening. Even if it has occorr nearly three years for a connection, Carey an effect with that one has found écrimage 2005' the S of the outline the emancipation of Mimi, the relative sistemazione, that it succeeds in the years. Approved of from the record of the Islanda, the album is mounted for this fact, that the way res-establish the relative way like megastar in the arena of R&B a amulti-platinum and, gained in Carey one ricompensa of Grammy. Two weeks before the version of relative the more new album, E=MC², Carey has marked relati to you the eight tenth Zahl-ein, those from "Touch my Body" , a great action, than has pressed it in the second station of job (after Elvis, not less) under all the aritsts with the écrimage of the majority outline, has been fixed selects. The time of the property determined with perfection equally increases the appetite of the public for E=MC², which it has arrived in the month of you open them of 2008